Club Service

Rotary is organized around four Avenues of Service. The first three Avenues consist of the outreach services of community service, world community service, and vocational service. Club service is the internal avenue that operates our club in a well-organized and well-funded manner. Club service consists of a variety of programs and functions that include: Social; Fund Raising; Membership; Public Relations; Newsletter, and Facilities.
The Club sponsors several social events each year to bring our members and their spouses or significant others together for fellowship. These events typically include the installation banquet to start the Rotary year July 1st, a summer FAC gathering, a fall activity that usually varies in nature and the Club’s annual fundraising event.
Our Membership Committee is always looking for new members who embody what it means to be a Rotarian. A Rotarian is committed to making this world a better place to live for all the people of the world. While we, as individual Rotarians, cannot change everything in our world individually, together we can make significant differences in our local community and in the world community. If part of your heart desires to make our community and our world a better place to live, then Rotary may be the place for you.
The Club Service Committee also performs the necessary functions to keep our club functioning and operating. Our newsletter editor publishes the newsletter weekly on Monday, prior to our Tuesday meetings. The newsletter contains a wealth of information on our club happenings, which is our guest speaker for the week, highlights of club projects, and occasionally features one of our club members. The public relations function makes sure that some of our club activities are featured in the local news media. The last function performed by Club Service is to make sure that we have a place to meet weekly and that the room is ready for our meetings every Tuesday.